Day 168: One thing I learned today...
The brain is one of the least understood organs in the human body. It is responsible for cognitive processing, stores our memories, and helps regulate functions throughout the body. In fact, it’s estimated that the brain processes about 70,000 thoughts each day!
The brain may only account for up to 2% of a person’s weight, but it consumes 20% of the body’s energy at a rate that is ten times faster than the rest of the body per gram of tissue. This energy-hungry organ requires a constant supply of energy to function, and what you ingest and are exposed to has a direct impact on its processes.
Are you being kind to your brain 🧠?
IIN: Brain Health
Drubach, D. (1999). The brain explained. New York, NY: Pearson.
Healthy Brains. (2019). You are your brain. Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved from