Day 265: One thing I learned today…
Life Long Learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge during one’s life, that occurs through experiences faced throughout one’s lifetime.
I am excited to continue my study of yoga by attending a workshop this evening - Decolonizing the Yoga Sutras with Anusha Wijeyakumar. I recently finished Her book Meditation with Intention. I look forward to learning more.
What are you interested in? What topics do you find yourself continuously learning about?
Some benefits of Lifelong Learning:
· continuous learning helps to keep the mind sharp and improve memory
· helps to gain confidence in ability to learn and to share the information with others
· leads to an enriching life of self-fulfillment
· helps us find meaning in our lives
· enables us to put our lives in perspective.
· opens the mind
Source: Marjan Laal,Benefits of Lifelong Learning,
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,Volume 46, 2012, Pages 4268-4272,ISSN 1877-0428,