Day 103: One thing I learned today…
As I have previously mentioned, I am subscribed to many email lists. If I am interested in the subject, I may save an email for later but most times I just hit the delete button. I received an email from Chris Kresser this morning and the subject was “are you suffering from solitude deprivation?” I was about to click delete but then decided to look at the email.
The email described solitude not just from being alone but also being free from input. So to answer the question, yes I am suffering from solitude deprivation. I constantly have input coming in while I am awake. And even when I am falling asleep at night, I am listening to a podcast.
There is a value to solitude. Some suggestions included in the email to to incorporate solitude include: turning off your phone for chunks of time throughout the day, when walking, cooking or exercising turn off music and podcasts, start a meditation practice, and try not to grab for your phone while waiting in line. There was also a suggestion of blocking all a regular period of time in your calendar weekly for some solitude/disconnection time. The suggestion is two to three hours. I want to slowly introduce this to my routine however 2-3 hours seems like a lot to start with. Today, I will start with 30-45 minutes of time outside in the sun listening to the river and the birds.
Do you feel like you could benefit from this?
Source: Chris Kresser General News email subscription.