Day 75: One thing I learned today…
Continuing with the Yamas, Asteya means non-stealing. Here are some ways in which we can implement this into our daily lives.
Taking a deep look at our behaviors, everything from the food we eat, the purchases we make, the transportation we use. How is our consumption effecting others and the planet?
Stealing from ourselves? Meaning eating or drinking too much, spending extra time scrolling social media, staying up to late.
Refrain from taking others thoughts and presenting them as our own.
Avoid using someone else login for a paid service.
Avoid using someone’s time unwisely.
Think before getting an extra refill or getting pop instead of the water you asked for
What about writing a different number on your bulk shopping purchase?
There are many, many ways in which we steal from ourselves and others and we don’t even think about it. I encourage you to reflect on your day. Did you engage in any of these behaviors?
Source: Global Breath YTT