Day 34: One thing I learned today…
I went to the chiropractor today. After viewing my 'posture picture'
I was a bit shocked. My head is not in alignment with my spine which will cause me issues moving forward if I am not more mindful.
The typical head weights between 10-12lbs when aligned correctly on the spine. With just a slight misalignment of 15 degrees the head weighs approximately 27lbs, 30 degrees- 40lbs, 45 degrees- 49lbs and 60 degrees- 60lbs. A nick name for this is office syndrome or text neck. Other than the more obvious problems such as stiffness, headaches and pain, I did not realize the numerous amounts of issues this can cause:
*Poor sleep including snoring and mouth breathing
*Impaired athletic performance
*Affects on hormonal health
*Blood flow to the brain
*Sinus issues
*Balance Issues
*Burden on digestive system
*Decreased lung capacity
*Dizziness and balance issues
*Fatigue and lack of energy
*Looking fatter
Just one more thing to focus on.
Earlier today I posted about my alignment after going to the chiropractor and some issues in which it can cause. I want to be clear in stating that I went down a rabbit hole after returning from my appointment and posted some findings. So yes, I am that person. If you ever disagree with something I post or have found conflicting information, I encourage you to reach out to me. I would appreciate you do so in a kind way. I want to thank a trusted friend who told me the information I posted was false.
This is the message from my friend. " While there are certainly negative affects associated with bad posture and especially sitting at a desk, the other claims (asthma, etc) are just false. This is a common approach for pseudoscience - quote poorly done research that shows correlations between unrelated things and treat that as causation. E.G. desk workers may have impaired athletic performance and bad posture. That doesn’t mean that bad posture causes poor athletic performance. Anyway, it is just a way to justify what they do."
He works at Akron Children's Hospital and is in pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation.
So one REAL thing I learned today… be careful where you get your info!
Naylor Clinic of Chiropractic