Day 68: one thing I learned today...
I came across this quote today
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
Dr. Stephen R Covey.
Think about it. When you are talking to a friend or a loved one, are you expecting them just to listen, just to hear what you have to say. Now think about when you’re on the other end. Are you being present? Are you listening with an intent to understand? Or are you listening ready to respond? To give your opinion or your thoughts.
As a coach, I know the benefit of listening. I get so excited and curious as to what my clients have to say. I admit though, when talking with my partner, family members or friends I tend to forget this. As a part of my wellness journey I want to focus on building my relationships with those I care about. I want to listen to understand. I want to be present and available for the conversation. I need to focus my attention on the person rather than attending elsewhere.
Today I learned that being in the present moment and having a good conversation with a friend is precious.