Day 16: One thing I learned today…
Today I learned to be myself, to embrace being uncomfortable and to trust the process. Today I started a yoga teacher training. I am beyond grateful, exhausted, and experienced emotions which I did not imagine. I felt very uncomfortable at times but I know this is exactly where I am supposed to be on this journey.
For several years I engaged in Asanas, the poses practiced in yoga, which comprise just one aspect. As an endurance athlete I looked at yoga as a way to stretch and recover. Boy was I mistaken, there is such depth to the practice. I am excited to learn and more curious than ever.
There are 8 Limbs of Yoga: Yama (attitudes towards environment), Niyama (attitudes towards ourselves), Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (restraint or expansion of the breath), Pratyahara (withdraws of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi (complete integration). Over the next 5 months I will be studying the practice and incorporating this into my daily routine.
I encourage you to take a step outside of your comfort zone.
Global Breath Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Introduction & Translation by Alistair Shearer