Day 262: One thing I learned today…
Katie Milkman conducted a study using temptation bundling after using the same intervention herself. The study was based on getting in more exercise. Research has shown just 20 minutes of exercise can reduce negative mood states which can last up to 12 hours.
Temptation bundling- only allow yourself to engage in a behavior (in the case a healthy behavior) while also engaging in an indulgent behavior.
Group 1: Temptation bundling group - given an iPod with a choose audio book and only could continue listening if the returned to the gym and participated in exercise
Group 2: - Given a free audio book and info about temptation bundling
Group 3: Control
The temptation bundling group exercised 56% more than the control group.
Are there any behaviors you can use this strategy with?
Some ideas include:
Listening to favorite podcasts while cleaning
Special latte during a hard study time
Netflix only when on the treadmill
Hard thing is, we allow ourselves to indulge just because. Do you think this could work for you?
Source: Teaching temptation bundling to boost exercise: A field experiment