Day 40: One thing I learned today…
This is the second time in the last few weeks I have learned this so I wanted to pass it on.
Psychologist Gabriele Oettingen, author of Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation is a researcher who developed this technique W.O.O.P. She describes this as a little tool in which you can use daily as well as weekly, monthly or any way you want to do so. Each day she suggests setting aside some time (a simple 5 minutes) and review W.O.O.P. Focus on the “Obstacle” and what plan you can come up with.
W.O.O.P., stands for: Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan
Wish: I want to cook more meals at home
Outcome: I will have a better understanding of what I am eating on a regular basis and I may also save money.
Obstacle: When I get home from work the last thing I want to do is start slicing and dicing, it’s easy to order take out.
Plan: I will prep on Sunday when I have more time/energy for quick meals throughout the week.
A study was conducted with 256 women which resulted in participants in the information + self-regulation (W.O.O.P.) group were twice as physically active as participants in the information only group.
How can you incorporate W.O.O.P.
Stadler et al. (2009). Physical activity in women: Effects of a self-regulation intervention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 36(1), 29-34