Day 160: One thing I learned today
What’s your story when/why something bad happens???
Are you the type of person to use statements like “I mess up all the time....everything I do is wrong... story of my life”.
Or are you the type of person to embrace a stressful event or situation and learn to grow from the challenge?
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
Those who are more optimistic are described as being hardy.
3 Cs of Stress Hardiness:
-Challenge - see an opportunity instead of a threat
-Control- perceive themselves as having control over their outcomes
-Commitment - they believe what they are doing is important and are committed to their work.
Today I learned about Hardiness and Health. It is hypothesized that hardiness functions to decrease the effect of stressful life events to producing illness symptoms.
Is your glass half full or half empty?
Institute for Integrative Nutrition, The Cutting Edge of Mind-Body Medicine Immunology, Neuroscience and Nutrition in the Device of Health and Happiness, Joan Borysenko, PhD.
Kobasa, Suzanne & Maddi, Salvatore & Kahn, Stephen. (1993). "Hardiness and health: A prospective study": Clarification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology - PSP. 65. 207-207.